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Embed notifications and messaging into your decentralized applications
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Notifi is a protocol that provides flexible support for communication for any Web3 project, with advanced features for applications and a built in global infrastructure to support projects at scale.


Web3 Notification Platform

Communication with others is one of the most common use cases for applications on the internet today. Whether it’s email, Telegram, or push notification, applications need a way to exchange data with their users in order to carry out the duties they were built for.

One of the most popular applications used for messaging services is Twilio. Some of the biggest companies in the world utilize Twilio to send messages to their customers.

Over the years, there has been a shift in the way people use their data, or want their data to be used. With the introduction of blockchains, people have been able to develop applications that are native to the paradigms provided by this innovative technology. 

The benefits to utilizing blockchain technology for messaging are easy to see. Executing on the idea, however, is a different ball game.

Notifi is an infrastructural messaging service built to serve the web3 space just like Twilio does. The platform allows developers to use the Solana blockchain to send notifications to people using their decentralized apps.

Notifi vs Discord vs Twitter

The messaging platforms common in the blockchain ecosystem do not provide an encompassing solution that helps with instant communication services. Discord and Twitter cannot be depended upon since they are not web3 based primarily and do not offer the services that are specific to blockchain services. Imagine a blockchain application not really built on-chain! 

What Notifi is tackling in Web3 is the simplification of communication channels among all Web3 messaging protocols. This is being achieved through its Application Programming Interface (APIs). Developers can use Notifi to ensure that they can relay communications through different means like audio, text and more without hindrances through the help of Notifi.  

Practical Applications of the Notifi Infrastructure

Since the launch of the communication layer project, Notifi has seen an increase in its use through different forms of partnerships with various Web3 projects. If you can recall from the introduction of this article, we have seen some media through which Notifi relays communications across decentralized applications such as messages or pictures. “But how does this really apply to make and how would it benefit me?” you might ask. The following are ways in which Notifi helps to improve the Web3 ecosystem:

Partnership with Hawksight

One of the popular apps on Solana blockchain known for their Yield Aggregation system has integrated Notifi to help their users get notified with instant alerts on their devices with updates concerning their trading activities and their portfolio. 

Notifi demonstration showing alerts from Hawksite


With the integration of Notifi with Hyperspace – a popular NFT marketplace on Solana, it is now easy for developers and collection creators to send messages to their holders and get responses from their community easily.

Once a person holds at least one NFT of the collection (as long as they still hold it), they can get updates from the development team from the project through any medium they have provided. This helps both the creators and the holders get access to the information needed as soon as possible. 


By integrating the NFT Lending protocol, users can now receive instant notification on their loan status. Since the loan duration is short (< 2 weeks), you can get alerts on loan repayments, loan defaults and other useful information.   

These are just a few projects that have been integrated with the Notifi platform. 

How to use Notifi

This section shows how to connect and set up your wallet on the Notifi application. 

  1. Navigate to on your browser and select the Notifi Hub. Connect your Solana wallet 
Accessing the Notifi Hub

If you are connecting with a hardware wallet, toggle the key shown above the “Connect Wallet” button.

Connecting wallet to Notifi
  1. Input your wallet address (and you can also add more wallet addresses at once).
Add the wallets you want to receive notifications for
  1. Select at least one of the two options before you can progress. 
Different notification options include "Transaction Action" and "DAO Power"
  1. I chose only an email address for myself. You can also include your phone number and telegram username if you want those forms of alerts also.
Setting up to be notified via SMS, email, or telegram.
  1. Now you have a complete dashboard setup properly. You can subscribe to many of the notification services available 
Showing off the main Notifi message hub
  1. The Alert section below is a historical directory of all your alerts that will be happening in your wallet. 
  1. Still in construction, the xMS chat enables messaging across multiple wallets. You and your colleagues at work or friends can message one another using this channel. (If you select a Blockchain messaging channel, the communication will be open to all blockchain participants to see since it’s transparent and immutable. Note that you will pay small fees since the blockchain will request fees to execute the messaging on-chain. But if you pick the Private messaging channel, the communication is only displayed to the Sender and Receiver. This option also sends and receives messages freely)
Sending messages with Notifi

A little chat with belikeflo.sol…

Chatting with Flo on Notifi


An infrastructural platform like Notifi is a necessity as it is going to foster a smooth flow of communication among applications, users, communities and more. With a solution like this, Web3 will flourish as information will be accessible to people without stress. More features, updates and improvements will be released with time. Stay tuned…


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